Dear Seattle First Baptist family,
In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus tells a story of a father who has two sons. The older son stays home and works the fields to fulfill his familial duty. The younger son goes off with his inheritance to live recklessly in the world. It’s a well-known story—the story of the prodigal son. It is a story that holds the promise that no matter where you go, what you have done, or how long it has been, you can always come home. Whether you identify with the prodigal son or not, at home you will be greeted with shouts of joy and open arms, and there may even be a celebratory feast prepared for you.
Home might mean different things to each of us. Home can be a person, a place, the familiar smell when you walk into a room, the sound of paws running across the floor, the laughter that begins deep down in your belly that won’t stop, the embrace of the one you love most, and so much more. Home can mean so many different things, but what is most true about home is that it is love. Home is unconditional love and belonging, and there is always a place for you there.
This Sunday, September 8, 2024, Seattle First Baptist Church will celebrate Homecoming and the re-opening of our renovated sanctuary. Over the summer, we renovated our chancel to make the space accessible for people of all abilities to lead in worship. We are very excited to be back in the sanctuary in a new way. During worship, we will have a blessing of the backpacks to send our students into a new school year, sing some of our favorite hymns, hear a wonderful sermon from Pastor Anita, and dedicate the newly renovated chancel. After worship, we will take an all-church picture on the new chancel and then will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a coffee hour with heavy hors d’oeuvres.
Whether it has been a week, a month, a year, or many years since you’ve been home, whether you will be here in body or in spirit over the live-stream, join us on Homecoming Sunday. No matter where we go, what we do, or how long it has been, God is always waiting with open arms to welcome us home to love.
We’ll see y’all at Home,
Pastor Leigh Curl-Dove and Pastor Anita Peebles