Giving is a spiritual act
We give in part as a response of gratitude to the Holy for all we have been given in our lives. We also give because it connects us to community and helps ministry happen. We believe in people giving meaningfully—that means giving according to their abundance and giving towards something that matters to the individual. However you choose to give, whether it is by serving the church with your time, talents, energy, prayer, expertise, musical gifts or finances, we thank you for giving meaningfully.

ways to give
- Online
- Mailing a check
- In person (place checks or cash in the black offering box next to the usher’s table at the doors of the sanctuary)
Where to Give
When you give, address your gift to the attention of these categories:
- General fund, supporting the operations of the church facility and staff
- Fellowship Fund, supporting Outreach ministries in our community
- Special funds, supporting seasonal and special giving opportunities

Thank you for giving
to the ministries of Seattle First Baptist Church! Your financial gifts support ministry within the walls of the church and outside the church in our neighborhood, city and world.