Holy Friday Service
Friday, April 18 at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall
All are invited to gather around the table for a simple meal and creative liturgical remembering of the last day of Jesus’ life. The space between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday is worth lingering in, now more than ever. As society becomes increasingly polarized, Holy Week challenges the dichotomies that divide humanity into categories like powerful and powerless, enemy and friend, innocent and guilty, “us” and “them.” As violence continues to be the favored tool of many nations, Good Friday exposes the injustice of punitive “justice.” And as COVID and climate change continue to wreak havoc across the planet, this sacred time lets us practice sitting with and protesting our own and others’ pain. We will observe Communion and prayer, meditative Taizé songs and conversation, imaginative monologues and an embodied expression of grief, and a simple meal shared among friends. Join us for this meaningful time of reflection and remembrance.