Seattle First Baptist Church

Easter Sunday Service

Sunday, April 20 at 11:00am in the Sanctuary

We hope you will join us in worship on Easter Sunday, April 20th at 11:00am as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus! We will embrace the tradition of “flowering the cross.” This is a tradition that represents the transition from Good Friday and Jesus’ death at the hands of empire to the liberative love of resurrection in the garden on Easter Sunday. At the beginning of the service all we be invited to come forward and add a flower to a bare wooden cross to symbolize life overcoming death. Flowers will be provided, but you are also welcome to bring flowers from your home to contribute. Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!


Apr 20 2025


11:00 am - 12:30 pm


SFBC Sanctuary
1111 Harvard Ave, Seattle, WA 98122