Retreat and restore
Opportunities for adults to engage with one another are abundant at SFBC. Besides serving on committees, participating in our Small Groups Ministry, and worshiping with the congregation, there are regular opportunities for adults to retreat and restore together.

Sunday Morning
Various Sunday school programs are held in the 9:30-10:30 hour throughout the year.
Past topics have been: Faith Journeys in Our Congregation; Reading the Bible through an Ecological Lens, Making Peace with (the apostle) Paul, Womanist Biblical Interpretations, History of Israel and Palestine, Becoming Anti-Racist, and Creativity Connections (uplifting art in our community).
During the Week
Prayer Meeting
Tuesdays, 12:00 to 1:00 pm via Zoom
No preparation needed. You can access the Zoom link on our calendar here.
Bible Study
Thursdays, 12:00 – 1:00 pm via Zoom
No preparation needed. You can access the Zoom link on our calendar here.

Other Opportunities
We enjoy the beauty of the nearby Cascade Mountains by offering retreats for members and friends of our congregation.
Each July, our senior adults (anyone who self-identifies as a senior, generally 60+) gather at Rainbow Lodge in the Cascade Mountains.
Each October, women of all ages in the church head up to Rainbow Lodge for a Women’s Retreat.